Developing Creative Storytelling to Enhance the Value of Mon Khlong Sam Wa Community’s Rice Crackers

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Sirimon Puengsangwal
Nisararat Wilailuk
Nitta Roonkaseam


                   This research aims to develop storytelling to communicate the identity and increase the value of Mon Khlong Sam Wa crispy rice, or "Takhapeim," a traditional auspicious snack that plays a vital role in Mon culture. The research employed a purposive sampling method to select community product entrepreneurs through referrals from Mon Khlong Sam Wa community elders. The research employed the following methods: (1) Purposive Sampling: Community product entrepreneurs were selected through referrals from Mon Khlong Sam Wa community elders. (2) In-depth Interviews were conducted with three Mon Khlong Sam Wa crispy rice entrepreneurs and eight stakeholders to gain insights into the product. And (3) Participant Observation: The researchers participated in a cultural activity demonstrating the process of making Mon-style popped rice. Data analyzed using storytelling elements to inform community product communication strategies.

                   The research found that Mon-style popped rice, known as Takhapim, is a popular snack among the Mon people. It is associated with prosperity and abundance and is often used in auspicious ceremonies. The Khlong Sam Wa version of Mon-style popped rice is distinguished by the use of high-quality ingredients. However, some customers perceive the product as expensive despite its high quality. This perception can be attributed to a need for distinctive selling points and the absence of a narrative that effectively communicates the unique identity of Mon-style popped rice in Khlong Sam Wa.

                   The researchers employed a creative storytelling approach to develop and enhance narratives that effectively convey the identity of Mon-style popped rice products. This approach utilized the "2W1H" formula to create differentiation and establish a distinctive positioning for the product. These stories are designed to be creative and engaging, focusing on the local history of the Mon community of Khlong Sam Wa and the product's unique characteristics, with clear and concise language to ensure that everyone understands the message.

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