Interpretation of the word “族”

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The original meaning of Chinese characters will evolve over time from the
beginning of word formation, some words will lose their original meaning by
borrowing other meanings, the meaning of some words will become dead words
because they will no longer use a word in future generations, Some words change
their meanings because of the different concepts they use. This paper examines
the evolution of the meaning of the word "zu" (族) in Shangshu, Zuozhuan,
Zhanguoce and Shiji. Investigating the "zu" of the above four books is because these
four historical books record the historical deeds of the past three thousand years
from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the middle of the Han Dynasty, this
period is an important process of the development and evolution of the original
and extended meanings of words. The main purpose of investigating Shangshu,
Zuozhuan Zhanguoce and Shiji is to make diachronic and synchronic comparisons.
Diachronic comparison can delineate the development of word meaning.
Synchronistic comparison can be used to analyze the evolution of word meaning.

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