Developing learning skills that are related to real life by Phenomenon based learning , learning styles from Finland

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ศศิณัฎฐ์ สรรคบุรานุรักษ์
วิชยา กรพิพัฒน์
วนิดา ชูเกียรติวัฒนากุล
ภัทรปภา ทองแท่งใหญ่


In 1985, Finland had reformed national basic education curriculum. It showed that Finland attended about freedom of learning and omitted the intensity of contents. It also stated that in-class learning would not enough when Phenomenon Based Learning: PhenoBl or PhBL was officially included in the Finland National Basic Education Curriculum. PhenoBl is the holistic learning that promote the educational overall goals with interdisciplinary from varieties of knowledge. This article provided the concept of Phenomenon Based Learning which is a kind of learning style, based on multidisciplinary and also integrate knowledge in many subjects. Moreover, it noted that the same phenomenon would interpret differently from different background knowledge. It could encourage learners to express their knowledge and experiences at large, to question and find the answer enthusiastically, to integrate knowledge through learned phenomenon, and to summary the results of learning. It could confirmed that PhenoBl is the real child – centered learning style, to be a guideline for those interested in adapting to apply in the future.

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