Chinese Idioms: The Worldviews of Chineses toward Chinese Women

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กัลยาณี กฤตโตปการกิต


This qualitative research was conducted to investigate the worldviews towards Chinese women through Chinese idioms. The research aimed to study the reflections of Chinese women through Chinese idioms from the perspectives of sex, gender, and sexuality. The data were 302 idioms collected from Chinese idiom dictionaries. The study of Chinese idioms could reflect the viewpoints of Chinese society in the past towards women. The results indicated that there were three main worldviews towards Chinese women through Chinese idioms: 1) the worldviews towards women in terms of appearances, behaviors, and emotions, 2) the worldviews towards women in terms of ages, namely women as a child, as a grown-up, and as an elderly, and 3) the worldviews towards women in terms of social status, including women as a daughter, as a wife, as a mother, and as equal as men. In the past, Chinese people considered that men and women were different. They also perceived that different physical appearances of men and women determined women’s status and lifestyle. Moreover, to follow different ethics and rules among men and women was considered as a principle of living together in society.

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