The characteristics of "study" words which appear in Chinese proverbs

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Arisa Haworadit


The purpose of this research paper is to research the characteristics of Chinese proverbs that contain the word “study”. The research begins with the letter of recommendation that the author uses to apply for the scholarship. The author has found that there are many proverbs in the Chinese language that are related to education. The scope of this research is to focus on the proverbs in which appear the words "study" that consist of 4 letters by without analyzing grammatical structures and the meaning in Thai is to be the composition only. The presentations are in a tabular form and are arranged in Pinyin order according to the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (1958). The first row is arranged in Pinyin and Chinese proverbs and the second row is the meaning in Thai. On the other hand, because the topic uses the word “study” which would be เรียน (rian) for basically, but for some proverbs the author need to use ศึกษา (sueksa) or ศึกษาเล่าเรียน (sueksalaorian) words in order to express the appropriate meaning in Thai language. After this research it was found that there were three main contexts as follows:

  1. Characteristics of Chinese proverbs that appear the word “study” in the context that involved with learner.

  2. Characteristics of Chinese proverbs that appear the word “study” in the context of learning and teaching.

  3. Characteristics of Chinese proverbs that appear the word “study” in other contexts that do not directly relate to the learner or learning and teaching.

In the summary the author sincerely hopes that it will benefit Chinese language learner in the future.

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