A Development of electronic book on cultural traveling on horse carriage route for Chinese-speaking tourists

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Nueakwan Buaphuan


A Development of electronic book on cultural traveling on horse carriage route for Chinese-speaking tourists aimed to 1) create cultural tourism content in Chinese on the horse carriage route in the form of an e-book and 2) assess the quality of the e-book. The first-group participants were purposively selected to include 25 individuals, comprising community philosophers, community leaders, service providers of horse carriage route for tourism, entrepreneurs, members of tourism groups, and officers in relevant agencies in Lampang Province. The second-group participants were conveniently selected to include 81 individuals, comprising Chinese tourists and Chinese-speaking tourists. Data were collected from e-book quality assessment passing quality validation by experts and statistically analyzed in mean and standard deviation.

 Results on the quality assessed by the Chinese-speaking tourists are presented in dimensions. On the e-book format, the quality was rated extremely high because the designs resembled actual locations (x̄=4.62); image sizes were appropriate (x̄=4.61); the designs were colorful, beautiful, attractive to read (x̄=4.60); the typeface was clear, beautiful, and easy-to-read (x̄=4.58); and the e-book was contemporarily designed and provided an appropriate match with the content presented (x̄=4.58). On the e-book language, the quality was rated extremely high because language consistency was preserved (x̄=4.64); and the content was adequately concise (x̄=4.55). On the e-book utilization, the quality was rated extremely high because it could be published or further used as references (x̄=4.70); and the participants could be used for independent traveling (x̄=4.58). On media in Chinese, the quality was rated extremely high because the media in Chinese enabled independent traveling (x̄=4.55); and the media in Chinese attracted more tourists (x̄=4.53).


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