The Study on the pattern of Modern Chinese Literature Publishing in the Present Time Through the Museum a case study of the Museum of Luxun

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Supatra Horpianjaroen


The objective of this research is to study the dissemination of modern Chinese literature at the present time by analyzing the presentation or the display of Lu Xun Museum. Also, it is to survey the objectives in studying the museum through the viewpoints of Accessibility, Accountability and Inspiring Action: Museum and Social Change.

The researcher has studied, surveyed, and collected the information of things presented in the museum, and also gathered the perception from the visitors of four museums: Lu Xun Village in Shaoxing, Lu Xun Museum in Beijing, Lu Xun Museum in Guangzhou, and Lu Xun Memorial Museum in Shanghai.

The findings of the research have been found that the presentation of each museum has focused the time Lu Xun spent in that city. The museum staff have disseminated the modern literature through Lu Xun Museum in order to make it as resources of studying and to reinforce the understanding in history, culture, and society in the past time. Lu Xun, the thinker and writer who is the prototype of intellectuals, is presented as the contents of the museum.

The findings of literature disseminated via the museum have been clearly seen that not only the visitors can better study the literature, but also learn the history at the same time. The people’s museum type in Thailand can follow the processes of the original Lu Xun Museum in displaying people’s history and their work. This builds the cultural capital and activates local economy.  

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มคอ. 3 รายวิชา HZ317 วรรณคดีเอกของจีน หลักสูตรศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิตสาขาภาษาจีน หลักสูตรปรับปรุง ปีพ.ศ. 2562 มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย

鲁迅故居内的老奶奶讲故事雕像[Online],Available, เข้าถึงเมื่อวันที่ 13 ม.ค. 2563