OBOR ---- A New Opportunity for the Development of Mandarin Chinese in Thailand โอกาสใหม่ทางการเรียนการสอนภาษาจีนในประเทศไทยภายใต้ยุทธศาสตร์หนึ่งแถบหนึ่งเส้นทาง

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Theerapong Kaewmanee
Kattariya Khaowong
Sasithorn Dokjan


Southeast Asia has always been a crucial region for the Maritime Silk Road since centuries ago of which Thailand has also been a very important stop. Thailand, which now is an irreplaceable hub for ASEAN, has much potential to boost the construction of the Maritime Silk Road in this century, and removing the barrier of language plays a big part. The formulation and progression of OBOR strategy has brought new opportunities to and imposed new challenge on the popularization of Chinese Language. From the perspective of generalizing both hard and soft strength, this essay aims to analyze how OBOR strategy can enhance the Chinese language education in Thailand, and how this strategy will upgrade the teaching of Chinese here.

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