Intertextuality and Chinese National Image Construction: A Case Study of Chinese News Discourse about COVID-19 สัมพันธบทการอ้างอิงบทกวีจีนโบราณกับภาพลักษณ์ประเทศจีน: กรณีศึกษาวาทกรรมข่าวโรคระบาดโควิด-19

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Siqi Yao


This article studies the Chinese national image conveyed through ancient Chinese poetic referential intertextuality in Chinese newspapers during the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, according to the Fairclough model of critical discourse analysis (CDA) related to using intertextuality strategy.

Sixteen items of data were collected from Chinese digital newspapers from April 2020 to April 2021 and analyzed. Results were that most Chinese newspapers used intertextuality strategy by quoting ancient poetry in news discourse coverage of COVID-19, mostly through direct references to Chinese literature, classic poetry, classic Confucian literature and poetic works by foreign scholars.

Referencing ancient Chinese poetry may reflect Chinese national image in three aspects: 1) international exchange 2) responsibility and 3) abiding morality. This intertextuality may transmit positive Chinese anti-pandemic imagery and publicize the excellent Chinese traditional culture. It also emphasized the significance and the value of building “A Global Community of Health for Mankind” consciousness during the pandemic prevention processes as well as deepen the understanding of China by all countries in the world.

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