A Study of the Rhyme and the Chong niu yun of the “Shi Ji Suo Yin” by Sima Zhen การศึกษาหมวดท้ายพยางค์และหมวดท้ายพยางค์ซ้ำในหนังสือ “สื่อจี้สั่วอิ่น” ของซือหม่าเจิน

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Ng Foong Hang


The rhyming of the Shi Ji Suo Yin has a small number of mixed phenomena, it can be divided into two types, one is the mix chongyun (rhymes with common features but under different headings), and the other is the same rhyme groups but different division. However, the number of mixed between rhyme is relatively small, and most of the examples belong to the occasional mix, which have not yet reached the proportion of rhyme that are combined, the only two rhymes that are really combined are the Guai (怪) and Guai (夬).The Chong niu yun (redundant syllable in rhyme tables) A and B of the Shi Ji Suo Yin are used by labial, velar, glottal as the second sinigram in a fanqie, there no examples of mixing, and it is possible to distinguish the difference between the A and B types. As for the characters with lingual and dental as second sinigram in a fanqie, there are some cases appear mixed.


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