A Comparative Study of Folk Tales in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language-- Take The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and Jaka Tarub as examples การวิจัยศึกษาเปรียบเทียบนิทานพื้นบ้านในการสอนภาษาจีนในฐานะภาษาต่างประเทศ: การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบนิทานพื้นบ้านเรื่อง “หนุ่มเลี้ยงวัวกับสาวทอผ้า” และ “Jaka Tarub”

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Clement Tanaka


Folk tales with the characteristics of simple and colloquial language expression have been gradually introduced into teaching Chinese as a foreign language classes, however in many cases, the teaching methods adopted by teachers do not pay attention to the acceptance of students and directly bring the Chinese folk tales into teaching activities. Based on the author's learning experience, this paper will try to compare the two folk stories about the love between "God and human" in China's The Cowherd and The Weaver Girl and Indonesia's Jaka Tarub stories, and try to find out the same and different cultural concepts and thinking patterns between Chinese and Indonesians. Furthermore, it is found that the comparison between different countries' folk tales is helpful to improve the cross-cultural communication ability of teachers and students, become the new learning entertainment for the cultural teaching curriculum, and has the significance of consolidating students' mastery of language knowledge. But at the same time, students' learning needs, teachers' understanding of students' culture background and the rationality of curriculum arrangement should also be considered, so as to comprehensively improve the quality of teaching Chinese culture as a foreign language.

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