A Study of the Cultural differences between the North and the South of China in the Food Essay Collection “Taste of the World” การศึกษาความแตกต่างด้านวัฒนธรรมระหว่างภาคเหนือและภาคใต้ของจีนที่สะท้อนผ่านหนังสือ รวมบทความด้านอาหาร “Test of the World”

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Kexin Ren
Kanokporn Numtong
Jutamart Limsupanark


Wang Zengqi, a well-known Chinese writer, was born in Gao You, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and later moved to Beijing for work. His life journey has been through scenery and characteristics of both north and south part of China. And he has almost tasted the majority of food of the two places.,knowing very well the cultural differences between the south and the north. This article analyzes the cultural descriptions of northern and southern China, especially Jiangsu and Beijing, in Wang Zengqi's collection of gourmet essays "The Taste of the World".The study also discusses the dialects, customs, food culture, living habits and differences in ideology and cultural characteristics from the north to south. This research specifically sorts out the different cognition ,names and cooking practices of food ingredients, in the north and south regions contained in Wang’s book "The Taste of the World". The finding points out there are more direct and pragmatic language characteristics regarding foods of the north,while the south is more  metaphorical.Cultural customs and dispositional thinking in these two places embodied in Wang’s food literature also vary significantly.Southerners are likely to be shrewd and particular, while northerners are hearty and bold.

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