Imaginative Geographies and the Identity Transformation of Chinese Diaspora Characters in Qiongyao’s 1960-1970’s Romance Novels ภูมิทัศน์จินตกรรมและการเปลี่ยนแปลงอัตลักษณ์ของตัวละครชาวจีนพลัดถิ่น ในนวนิยายโรมานซ์ของฉยงเหยาในทศวรรษที่ 1960-1970

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Jirayut Hansapan


This research paper aims to study the imaginative geographies of Mainland China, Taiwan and Western countries, and the identities of Chinese diaspora characters in Qiongyao’s romance novels during half of 1960-1970 decades. The theories of Orientalism and the concept of imaginative geographies,  the link between the novel and the modern nation-state, and the concept of cultural identity and diaspora were applied in this study. The study found out that, Mainland China was depicted as a nostalgic place, full of happiness and nature. Whereas Taiwan was written as a place of the present, full of issues, and an urban space, influenced by American culture. The western countries were portrayed as places of opportunities and refuge, with inhabitants characterized by distinct races, languages, and cultures differing from those in Taiwan.  Qiongyao wrote Mainland China and western countries as the past and the future to project Taiwan as the present. The research also found that, in her novels from 1960’s, Mainland China was portrayed as the homeland of the first-generation Chinese diaspora characters. However, the novels from 1970’s Taiwan was more frequently referred to as home by the second-generation of Chinese diaspora characters. This change in perception of one’s homeland coincided with transformation of role of the two generations in Qiongyao’s novels after 1970. In contrast to the first-generation, who saw Taiwan more as a temporary sanctuary than a homeland, the second-generation characters considered Taiwan as their homeland. 

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