Focus & Scope

Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal that is published by Mahasarakham University. The CUE-J provides a platform for all researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students to publish and share knowledge, experiences, achievements and findings regarding topics involved community-university engagement. This would aim to create ideas, as well as, to conduct further development, collaboration and thus the mutual benefits for all community-university via the practical engagement projects and activities.


The CUE-J journal is set to meet the high quality empirical and theoretical research articles, case studies, literature reviews and/or book reviews. The details included in the CUE-J articles would be one or the combination of the following lists:

  • engagement teaching
  • engagement research
  • engagement service
  • Other relevant community-university engagement topics

which would be performed/achieved between/among community (s) and university(s).


Details included in the articles would be about the achievement resulted from the implementation of the methods, projects, activities, policies, principles and other actions that involve the engagement between the community (s) and the university (s). All prestigious researchers/lecturers/staff/students/people from all parts of the world are very welcome to contribute and share their findings and success in the fields of the above topics in the CUE-J.


The CUE-J journal does publish in both print out and online versions. There is absolutely no charge for all the processes of submitting, reviewing and publishing the articles, as well as, accessing and downloading the published articles in the CUE-J Archive.


CUE-J journal has 2 issues/year (January-June and July-December) by published with both online and printed version.

  • ISSN (online): 2539-6285
  • ISSN: 2539-6277

The articles must be original and never be published in any other websites or other journals before. The articles which are considered as “plagiarism” articles are strongly prohibited to be published in the CUE-J journal.


There is absolutely no charge for all the authors/reviewers/visitors for all the processes of submitting, reviewing, English proofreading, publishing, accessing and downloading the articles with/from the CUE-J journal.



Review Process

The articles must be original and never be published in any other websites or other journals before. The articles which are considered as “plagiarism” articles are strongly prohibited to be published in the CUE-J journal. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their manuscripts, whereas reviewers are not visible to authors. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review by at least three independent reviewers. Peer reviews are done by a double-blind review method where the identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party. The final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Format for Presenting Academic Service Article

  1. Situation before the change occurred
  2. Participation and acceptance of the target society
  3. Processes undertaken to facilitate better change
  4. Knowledge and expertise utilized in the change
  5. Anticipation of consequences following the change
  6. Evaluation of the outcomes of the change
  7. Guidelines for monitoring and maintaining the sustainability of the development


Contact CUE-J

Any questions and comments, please contact

New issue released Vol.1 No.1: Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J)


Dear all,

Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) latest issue Vol.1 No.1 has been published on May 20, 2023.

All articles are OPEN ACCESS and available for free on CUE-J official website.

Contents of CUE-J Vol.1 No.1: January - June
- Farmer school: Education for the transmission of local rice wisdom culture (pp. 1-11)
- Development of local agriculture and raising the level of community products with BCG economy model: Case study Bueng Niam subdistrict, Mueang district, Khan Kaen (pp. 12-22)
- Community image analysis for the establishment of product identities in Ban Tha Rae, Kaeng Loeng Chan subdistrict, Muang district, Maha Sarakham (pp. 23-30)
- Woven fabrics colored with natural pigments: Innovation for sustainable community Sam Sung subdistrict, Khu Kham district, Khon Kaen (pp. 31-45)
- Improving the community's herbal raw material quality control (pp. 46-60)

Invite submitting articles for publication in the Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J).


We would like to invite you to submit articles for publication in the Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J). CUE-J is a journal that publishes academic articles on engagement (teaching, research, and service). The articles will undergo a double-blind review system where three experts will conduct the review.


To submit an article, please click the following link


Access articles
To access articles in the CUE-J journal and download full articles or journals, click the link:

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): January-June

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