
  • Thi Thuy Vu University of Pécs, Hungary


Attraction Effect, Decoy Effect, Human Resource Practices, Human Resource Management


The attraction effect or sometimes called decoy effect, which is one of the most mysterious context effects, has attracted significant interest from scholars in different fields. Numerous studies have tried to replicate the effect in different circumstances including the human resource management context, however, the findings are sometimes inconsistent. Considerable mechanisms and factors have been proposed to explain its occurrence and variance in the research findings. Despite such lucrative empirical evidence, its relevance and practicality to the real business world is still questioned. By systematically reviewing the current literature, this study aims to synthesize mechanisms underlying the attraction effect and factors moderating its magnitude. The review suggests a careful choice setting and comprehensive consideration of individual and organizational differences are required when replicating or explaining the attraction effect. By focusing on empirical research in human resource management context, the study reveals potential applications of the attraction effect in achieving some important goals of human resource management such as improving gender equality or accuracy of performance evaluation system as well as ethical issues associated with these applications for practitioners. The review also suggests that the attraction effect might present another form of optimal decisions under uncertainty and limited resources.


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