Technology acceptance model, Theory of planned behavior, Content richness, Flow state,, Personal innovativeness, User satisfactionAbstract
Purpose – The purpose of this research was to identify the factors influencing intention to adopt TikTok through user satisfaction by integrating three other variables, namely content richness, flow state, and personal innovativeness, into the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
Methodology – The research uses a correlational study of the quantitative method by conducting a survey with 400 respondents who were experiencing using TikTok in Phnom Penh City. This research applied a survey design using quantitative methods. The study uses a questionnaire developed from the measurement of constructs and employs this tool to collect data from TikTok users online.
Results – Most of the TikTok users participating in this research were female whose age bracket ranged mainly between 25 to 29 years old. These users mainly worked for private or company employees. Moreover, a large majority of TikTok adopters used it every day from 31 minutes to 60 minutes at night time, and most of them used TikTok in order to watch content videos shared by others. After conducting hypothesis testing by using the multiple regression analysis, the research found that subjective norm and content richness do not significantly influence user satisfaction with TikTok since the p-value is greater than 0.05. This research found that perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, flow state, and personal innovativeness have a significant effect on user satisfaction with TikTok.
Implications – In this research, the researcher clarifies the research question by discussing the results with the previous studies; so that the findings of this study become meaningful. Three main subsections are discussed consequently, namely the research model, main variables in the model and the mediating effects
Originality/Value – The research supports that there is the significant effect of user satisfaction on the intention to adopt TikTok.
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