Cross-cultural acceptance, Communication technology quality, Cross-cultural communicationAbstract
Purpose – To study the mediating role of communication technology quality on the relationship between cross-culture and cross-cultural communication performance.
Methodology – This study surveyed 400 employees in a multicultural smart electronics manufacturing industry. The data collection instruments were questionnaires measuring cross-cultural acceptance (CCA), communication technology quality (TQ), and cross-cultural communication effectiveness (ECC). The data analysis used structural equation modeling (SEM) technique to test hypotheses and verify the analytical model.
Results – The results showed that cross-cultural acceptance did not directly affect cross-cultural communication (ECC) effectiveness, but communication technology quality (TQ) played an important role in mediating between cross-cultural acceptance (CCA) and cross-cultural communication effectiveness, with TQ facilitating communication clarity and reducing misunderstandings. The results confirmed that TQ had a positive effect on communication in culturally diverse organizations and was an important factor promoting communication effectiveness in diverse environments.
Implications – The study's findings highlight the need for organizations to invest in quality and adaptable communication technologies to support cross-cultural communication and reduce communication barriers arising from cultural differences. High-quality technology facilitates effective collaboration and cooperation.
Originality/Value – This research advances knowledge on organizational culture management by highlighting the important role of communication technology quality in enhancing cross-cultural communication effectiveness. The results confirm that technology quality can be an important mediator in managing cultural diversity in global organizations. This research provides a new perspective on the use of technology to support communication in organizations with employees from diverse cultures.
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