
  • Siripatsorn Bhuwakietkumjohn Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani, Thailand
  • Panisa Mechinda Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani, Thailand



Destination competitiveness, Behavioral intention, Travel behavior, Agritourism


Purpose – The objectives of this research are (1) to compare perceived competitiveness dimensions and behavioral intentions of tourists from two major agritourism destinations in Prachinburi, (2) to explore whether tourists with different travel behavior (e.g., number of visits, travel companion) perceive competitive dimensions differently as well as (3) to develop guidelines for enhancing competitiveness of those destination using the results from previously mentioned objectives. The sample group consisted of 620 on-site agritourists visiting Prachinburi Province, with 310 participants allocated to each of the two destinations: Phumbhubejhr and Mai Khed Farmstay.
Methodology – Quota random sampling and accidental sampling methods were applied. Data was collected through questionnaires, and the hypotheses were tested using a one-sample t-test and an independent samples t-test. At Phumbhubejhr, most respondents are female (64.52%), with three-quarters (75.81%) aged 26-58. About 60% hold a bachelor’s degree, and most work in government, state enterprises, or private businesses.  Income levels are evenly distributed. For Mai Khed farmstay, most respondents are male (70.32%), with nearly two-thirds (65.48%) aged 26-58. Most (84.52%) have a college degree or lower, with many employed (42.58%) or running businesses (26.45%). Income levels are also evenly distributed.
Results – The results revealed that Phumbhubejhr demonstrates stronger competitiveness across all dimensions compared to Mai Khed. Regarding the second objective, tourists having different travel behavior significantly have different perceptions toward destination competitiveness. Repeat visitors have a stronger appreciation for its inherited resources and management, while first-time visitors to Phumbhubejhr are impressed by its created resources and infrastructure.  Additionally, traveling with family/friends appears to enhance the visitor experience and competitiveness ratings across both destinations, suggesting that the social context of the visit plays a role in shaping positive perceptions and loyalty intentions. These findings can guide targeted strategies for improving visitor satisfaction and encouraging repeat visits for different visitor groups.
Implications – Phumbhubejhr should promote unique resources like its herb garden and historic buildings while maintaining service quality, and Mai Khed should enhance facilities and recreational offerings. Both should use loyalty programs for repeat visitors, targeted campaigns for first-time tourists, and family-friendly packages. Flexible itineraries for group tours and social-focused marketing can boost appeal and foster sustainable agritourism growth.
Originality/Value – This research fills theoretical gaps by focusing on destination competitiveness in non-European countries and emphasizing unique regional and industry-specific dimensions. It integrates underexplored behavioral factors, such as travel companions and visit frequency, into competitiveness models. By addressing variations between first-time and repeat visitors, it offers new insights for tailoring destination strategies to diverse visitor profiles.


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