Buddhist Innovation via Online Media for the Development of the Grammatical Usage


  • Jutharat Compeerapap Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand


Buddhist Innovation, FSA Strategy, Online Learning, Grammatical Usage


The objectives of this article are to: 1) study how to apply online media based on  the web Application system to develop Iddhipada-4 (the Four Paths of the Accomplishment) features for learning of English grammar under the Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy;
2) to study how to apply the Buddhist innovation to develop Iddhipada-4 for the correct grammatical usage.  This article is the documentary research to study how to use online media based on the web application system in learning the English grammar by integrating Iddhipada-4 features with the Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy or FSA Strategy in terms of the principle and the “web application” system in order to maximize such Iddhipada-4 features in respect with the aspiration or Chanda in using FSA Strategy, effort or Viriya in practice, dedication or Citta and Vimasa or investigation by using wisdom to meet success.  These all relate with other according to Consistency theory.

The result indicated that the use of online media based on web application enabled the teaching materials to look virtual and learners to re-study.  The web application also contained the interactive program for practicing with many exercises, collecting data for processing to monitor the development of Iddhipada-4 features and the accuracy of using the English grammar.  It was also able to cover the teaching and learning of grammar at all levels which could not be implemented in the normal semester.  This led to the development of Iddhipada-4 for self-interest, and to utilize Iddhipada-4 features in individuals in grammar learning on online media for the maximum interest.


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How to Cite

Compeerapap, J. . (2022). Buddhist Innovation via Online Media for the Development of the Grammatical Usage. The Journal of Development Administration Research, 12(1), 164–185. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDAR/article/view/255910



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