Guidelines for Managing Condominium Juristic Persons towards the Satisfaction of Residents in Bangkok
Management Service, Condominium Juristic Persons, SatisfactionAbstract
The objectives of this research are 1) to study the guidelines for managing condominium juristic persons to the satisfaction of residents in Bangkok.; and 2) to study the satisfaction level of condominium residents, including Safety, Facilities, Cleanliness Communication within the building and management. This is mixed-method, quantitative research with a sample of 306 condominium residents using the Krejcie and Morgan table formula. The tool used was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include percentages, means and standard deviations. And qualitative research. The sample group consisted of 10 condominium juristic person managers who held 3 group discussions with 7 people per group. Analyzed the data by content analysis and presented descriptively.
It was found that: 1) the condominium juristic person management guidelines for resident satisfaction should consist of 3 principles: 1) Management must follow the blessings. Condominium Control Act B.E. 1979 and other related laws 2) must be managed with a smile and service mind and 3) public utilities and various supporting factors must be managed to be in ready-to-use condition and ready to accept various situations effectively using the “3 Principles of Happiness” It is Peaceful, Tranquil, Normalcy. And 2) the Satisfaction with the management of the condominium juristic persons in all 5 aspect was at a high level, regarding communication within the building. It is at the highest level, followed by management at a high level. The third is cleanliness, at a moderate level, the fourth is safety, at a low level, and the last is facilities, at the least level.
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