Open Space in Old Town of Nakhon Ratchasima and Its Adjacent Areas

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Vuttikai Uthaisa
Chaiyasit Dankittikul


The main objective of this research is to study the characteristics of available open space system and how it affected urban areas in the old town of Nakhon Ratchasima. The studied theories are used to categorize types of available open spaces in the old town and adjacent areas, which consists of 5 types as follows: 1) circulations or roads, 2) parking spaces, 3) water resources, 4) recreation spaces, and 5) wasted spaces. The analysis includes characteristics, types, locations, access, and utilization reflecting the relationships between people and open spaces. This finally leads to guidelines on solution and promotion of available open space system by collecting data from satellite images, surveys, and photography for taking notes, location specification, and characteristics of open spaces in order to record as supporting evidences for research descriptions. The results reveal that the current open space system in term of hardscape circulations was divided as grid pattern that facilitated access to different types of open spaces in many spots. People used cars as the main vehicle because they were more convenient than pedestrian circulations. As a consequence, open space system facilitated cars, and thus this caused problems of circulations or insufficient roads to support the number of cars that finally leads to traffic congestion in the future and urban air pollution. This caused unlivable and unshady city. In addition, using cars caused lack of interaction among people and tendency to lack of liveliness of the town as well as people in the future. The solutions are suggested as next. Road sizes should be reduced while shadiness from trees should be increased. For the improvement of wasted spaces that are usually covered by plants in the middle of each block, these spaces should be developed as the network connection among urban parks. This will create natural environment and reduce any possible pollutions. Also, people can access more conveniently. Promoting more pleasant pedestals can also attract people to live, which can finally lead to new businesses that help promote economy and good quality of life.

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How to Cite
Uthaisa, V., & Dankittikul, C. (2022). Open Space in Old Town of Nakhon Ratchasima and Its Adjacent Areas. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 4(1), 43–61. Retrieved from


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