From the Cultural Landscape Values of Tha Nam Non District Towards Future Conservation and Development Approaches

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Alisa Sahavacharin
Pawin Sirisali


The objective of this paper is to study the cultural landscape elements not only in an aspect of physical, but also in living activities, and its connotation toward the community. Firstly, each element was evaluated and analyzed in order to provide recommendations on the directions for preservation and development of the cultural landscape of this unique urbanized area for decades until the present day. However, the rapid change in social and economic patterns has dramatically transformed the uniqueness of the riverside old-town community in both physical and cultural landscapes of the area. The effects also including the diminish of its uniqueness character, lifestyle, and living pattern in association with water, the changes in the physical appearance and cultural landscape of the old neighborhoods along the river. Land use changes from urbanization have caused disruptive construction, obscures and diminishes the aesthetics of important archaeological sites and architecture. Without a proper conservation and development plan, it would diminish its cultural heritage value in both physical and city-level activities. The methodology applied in this study is the principles of cultural landscape valuation of Tha Nam Non district, the major economic, commercial and administrative center of Nonthaburi. The study area covers Chao Phraya River, old Nonthaburi City Hall, Wat Bang Kwang, and Nonthaburi Municipal Market. The results of the study presents analytical results of an assessment of the cultural landscape value of the Tha Nam Non district in terms of physical landscape, living activities, and connotations. The results of this study can be applied as guidelines for shaping the conservation and development direction of Tha Nam Non district in various aspects including 1) Building and architectural elements 2) Landscape elements, 3) Perspectives and aesthetics, and 4) Living activities. In addition, this guideline can be applied and developed for the conservation and development plan to enhance sustainable cultural landscape value of other important archaeological sites and heritage architecture in the future.

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How to Cite
Sahavacharin, A., & Sirisali, P. (2022). From the Cultural Landscape Values of Tha Nam Non District Towards Future Conservation and Development Approaches. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 4(1), 102–125. Retrieved from


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