Persistence and Change of Lanna Vernacular Landscape: Case Studies of Agricultural Community in Mueang Khong Basin, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai

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Aumpika Amloy
Supakul Ruangwitthayanusorn
Warong Wonglangka
Pandin Ounchanum
Aranya Siriphon
Rawiwan Oranratmanee


This research article aims to study the characteristics of the vernacular landscape of the agricultural communities in the Mueang Khong Basin, to find factors related to the persistence and change of the vernacular landscape, and to propose recommendations to support vernacular landscape conservation and management. This work was field research using the ecological and landscape survey and the unstructured interview as a tool for data collection. The sample group was four agricultural communities, eight case houses, and twenty key informants. The researcher uses physical data analysis and data from interviews, presenting data through description, map, and figure. The results showed a blend of traditional and modern vernacular landscapes of the agricultural communities that settled in this area. First, factors related to the persistence of vernacular landscapes include community participation and cultural pride, preservation and restoration of the community's cultural heritage, adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, supporting policies and plans to promote and preserve environmental quality, transfer of local knowledge, and community-based tourism. Second, factors associated with the change in the vernacular landscape include urban and community infrastructure development, modernization and technological advancement, socio-economic changes, cultural and global influences, environmental challenges, climate change, related policies and regulations, and population change and migration. Finally, suggestions to support the conservation and management of Lanna vernacular landscapes include promoting community participation, education, and raising awareness in Lanna vernacular landscape conservation and management, capacity building to the local community, promoting stakeholder collaboration, developing policies and guidelines, sustainable tourism, promoting ongoing research and monitoring of the Lanna vernacular landscape, and supporting the development of a database and documentation on with Lanna vernacular landscape.

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How to Cite
Amloy, A., Ruangwitthayanusorn, S., Wonglangka, W., Ounchanum, P., Siriphon, A., & Oranratmanee, R. (2023). Persistence and Change of Lanna Vernacular Landscape: Case Studies of Agricultural Community in Mueang Khong Basin, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 5(1), 1–24. Retrieved from


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