Research-based Public Park Design for Disabled People: A Case Study of Aquatic Center Area, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus

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Pattamon Selanon
Supanut Dejnirattisai
Akarawit Sapsangthong
, Autchariya Rutchumart


Public parks are essential urban elements for inclusively promoting physical and mental health to all residents. However, there is inadequate support for people with disabilities in thoroughly using public parks. This research has the main objective to study the character and behavior of using public parks by disabled and related people in order to develop public park design guidelines for disabled people. Primary data was collected through Semi-Structured Interviews with 27 people, including people with disabilities, officers, and caretakers. The 11 coded keyworks can classified into two themes, which are 1) Public Park Use Experience and 2) Arrangement, Requirement, and Recommendation for Spatial Use. Each theme consists of a set of subject matters, which leads to the notion of public park design guidelines for disabled people: “Finding Unity Through Difference.” The idea of this conceptual design is to encourage the inclusiveness of multiple identities and personalities through 8 design guidelines which are 1) Spatial arrangement design, 2) Connectivity Design, 3) Physical Activity Area Design, 4) Relaxation Area Design, 5) Fine Arts Design, 6) Physical Health Promotion Design, 7) Mental Health Promotion Design, and 8) Inclusiveness Promotion Design.

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How to Cite
Selanon, P., Dejnirattisai, S., Sapsangthong, A., & Rutchumart, , A. (2023). Research-based Public Park Design for Disabled People: A Case Study of Aquatic Center Area, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 5(1), 42–63. Retrieved from


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