Museum Site Selection: Case Study of the National Exhibition of Art Museum

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Lassamon Maitreemit


This article investigated the process of site selection in museum design under the project to define the Competition Conditions for the National Exhibition of Art Museum to Celebrate Bangkok’s 250th Anniversary. The study reviewed related literature on the relationship between museums and sites to understand the characteristics of museums in different locations and the criteria for museum site selection. The information was used for the site selection process of the National Exhibition of Art Museum project. The study found that the site has incredible influences on the characteristics and functions of a museum. Accordingly, the museum site selection process must be addressed in two levels. The first level is to define the museum’s characteristics regarding its location. This macro-scale selection considers
the concept, the related policies, and the goals of the museum. The second level is the micro-scale site selection linked to the concerns in museology and museum landscape design. The social, economic, and environmental conditions must be equally taken into consideration. The findings of this study will be presented in the Guidelines for Writing Architectural Competition Term of Reference (TOR) for Thai Government Projects.

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How to Cite
Maitreemit, L. (2023). Museum Site Selection: Case Study of the National Exhibition of Art Museum. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 5(1), 85–108. retrieved from


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