A Study of Facilities for Tourists with Disabilities on the Value of the Inner Rattanakosin Old Town

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Vipakorn Thumwimol
Atikarn Bamroonngvuth


Rattanakosin plays is a cultural tourist attraction and an old town that required protection and preservation. Due to the current preparation to accommodate tourists with disabilities, the construction of convenient facilities for disabled tourists without thorough may result in physical changes that diminish the value of historical sites and the identity of the ancient city. Thus,
this research aims to study the impact of accessibility service facilities for tourists with disabilities on the value of Inner Rattanakosin historical sites. It also seeks to identify appropriate approaches to managing accessibility facilities forindividuals with disabilities in this conservation area.  The study conducted surveys and collected data on disabled-accessible facilities, then assessed their impact on historic sites. The criteria used for evaluation are derived from the "Knowledge set on Conservation, Development, and Management of Old Town" by the Committee for the Conservation and Development of Rattanakosin Island and Old Cities.

The research findings demonstrate that the facilities catering to disabled tourists significantly impact the value of a historic place. Moreover, such facilities have a profound influence on the integrity
and authenticity of the place, as well as its identity. The negative impacts on historical areas often result from improper placement and the selection of facilities without thorough design processes. Therefore, to minimize the impacts of constructing new facilities for disabled tourists in heritage areas, it is necessary to conduct site-specific designs that analyze the value of the place and consider the quantity, placement, and format of the new facilities. These designs should 1) preserve the archaeological and historical value, the artistic value, and the aesthetic values, 2) maintain the integrity and authenticity of the site; and 3) conserve the unique identity of the place. 

Finally, we hope that the results of this research will be beneficial for conservation studies and disability groups studies. The findings will contribute to the development of conservation and management plans for Rattanakosin to accommodate disabled tourists appropriately and to enhance the design of facilities for individuals with disabilities in heritage sites, historical landscapes, and old towns in the future.

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How to Cite
Thumwimol, V., & Bamroonngvuth, A. (2023). A Study of Facilities for Tourists with Disabilities on the Value of the Inner Rattanakosin Old Town. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 5(1), 131–149. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LAJ/article/view/269638


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