Hydrologic Processes and Local Livelihood Study with Landscape Ecology Framework in Rural Agricultural Communities in Tambon Bang Toei, Muang Phang Nga, Phang Nga

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Onkamon Nilanon
Attana Vasuwattana
Nakrob Saithep


Landscape Ecology is fundamental to studying the hydrological processes of agricultural communities in rural areas. Communities in rural areas depend on natural processes and products. The study method uses the landscape ecology concept to analyze the study area. The landscape's structures, functions, and changes must be described with the primary and secondary data. Hydrological processes are the main functions that define ecosystem services the landscape provides. The study area is a coastal community adjacent to Phang Nga Bay. The results revealed that this area is influenced by precipitation and tidal, which are conditions of the community's way of life. The effect of unsuitable development will cause uncertain life and deteriorate resources. The findings from landscape hydrological processes are used for resource management systems based on landscape ecology concepts and social mechanisms. The suggestions come in two scales. First, resource management in a cluster of villages relates to landscape conditions: valley, coastal, and estuary areas. Second, the watershed scale, which includes all villages in the study area. Our framework will support a self-governance community and maintain landscape processes and community well-being.

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How to Cite
Nilanon, O., Vasuwattana, A., & Saithep, N. (2023). Hydrologic Processes and Local Livelihood Study with Landscape Ecology Framework in Rural Agricultural Communities in Tambon Bang Toei, Muang Phang Nga, Phang Nga. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 5(1), 164–185. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LAJ/article/view/269651


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