Local Wisdom in Landscape Conservation and Development of Ban Na Ton Chan Community, Ban Tuek Subdistrict, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai
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This research article aims to study the concepts and methods of local wisdom in the conservation and development of the Ban Na Ton Chan community landscape, to analyze the impacts of using local wisdom on the community and the environment in Ban Na Ton Chan, and to propose sustainable landscape conservation and development guidelines using local wisdom in Ban Na Ton Chan. This qualitative research uses community landscape surveys and unstructured interviews as data collection tools. The sample consists of 30 community members of Ban Na Ton Chan. The researcher analyzes physical and interview data, presenting the information through descriptions, maps, and illustrations. The concepts and theories utilized in this study include the concept of local wisdom, which encompasses the accumulated knowledge, skills, and experiences of local communities passed down through generations. This wisdom is crucial for livelihood, natural resource management, agriculture, culture, and local traditions. The study also employs the theory of sustainable development, which emphasizes meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Furthermore, the integrated natural resource management theory, which considers the interrelationships and impacts between natural resources and the community, and the community development theory, which focuses on enhancing the capabilities and potential of community members, are also applied. The findings indicate that the Ban Na Ton Chan community's use of local wisdom in agricultural land management, water management, sustainable agriculture, cultural heritage conservation, seasonal adaptation, cultural symbolism in design, and the creation of public spaces has led to positive outcomes. These practices help effectively maintain the balance between natural resource use and local cultural conservation, thereby enhancing the community's sustainability and resilience in the long term. Recommendations for applying the research findings include promoting sustainable agriculture, efficient water management, forest conservation and restoration, cultural heritage conservation, eco-tourism development, and strengthening community collaboration, all of which can further amplify these positive impacts.
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