The Process of Developing a Land Use Plan for Agriculture in Accordance with Natural Conditions and Legal Requirements: A Case Study of Yot Sub-district, Song Khwae District, Nan Province, Thailand
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The depletion of natural resources in Thailand, a consequence of forest loss following the concession era, has prompted the government to implement policies to conserve and restore forest areas. However, the declaration of overlapping forest boundaries with community areas has adversely impacted numerous rural communities, leading to instability in their quality of life. Developing agricultural land use plans within legally designated forest areas, grounded in a deep understanding of the landscape, can serve as a crucial tool to foster collaboration between the government and communities while enhancing the quality of life for villagers. This planning process involves studying ecological data to comprehend the context and conditions of the area, examining legal frameworks to identify potential collaborative agreements, and gathering information on community lifestyles interconnected with nature to learn about traditional ecological knowledge. The resulting plans will prioritize nature and community needs, while adhering to legal frameworks. Understanding natural conditions will lead to development plans that are aligned with the local context and promote sustainable livelihoods. Simultaneously, the government can achieve its goal of restoring the abundance of natural resources, offering a sustainable solution that aligns with the concept of common resources. The result obtained from the process of developing a land use plan for agriculture is a sub-district level land use plan and agricultural development guidelines that can be used as a guideline for physical development and as a framework for community development in the future.
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