The Development of Basic Visual Tree Assessment Form: A Case Study of Thammasat University Rangsit Center
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Tree risk assessment is a relatively new concept in Thailand, where current methods and data are predominantly adapted from foreign sources. However, differences in environmental conditions and tree species between Thailand and other countries may lead to inaccuracies when applying these methods directly. Moreover, the complexity of factors and risk rating methods poses challenges for individuals without prior experience in tree risk assessment. This study aimed to develop a simplified and localized basic tree risk assessment form tailored to Thailand’s context. The development process involved reviewing 35 factors from existing literature, which were evaluated for content validity by three arboriculture experts. A total of 30 factors were identified as essential for creating the assessment form. To test its accuracy, the form was applied to 442 trees in the student dormitory area at Thammasat University Rangsit Center, with assessments conducted by professional arborists and volunteers. The results showed an overall accuracy with an average Kappa Coefficient of 0.72 (72%). However, two factors—planting distance and wind direction—exhibited low Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) values (<0.20). Consequently, adjustments were made: the Slenderness Coefficient (SC) was adopted to represent tree stability, and the Live Crown Ratio (LCR) was introduced to reflect overall tree health. The finalized basic tree risk assessment form includes three main components: general survey information, above-ground factors, and surface/subsurface factors. This tool provides a practical framework for tree risk assessment in Thailand, improving accessibility and accuracy for both professionals and non-experts.
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