فقه البيان الـنّـبوي : دراسة تحليليّة نموذجيّة في ضوء أسباب النّزول والورود


  • محمّد  سماروه


The researcher considers reasons of revelation of the Holy Qura’n and reasons of the frequency of the Hadith, one of the “situational jurisprudence” that helps the diligent (Mujtahid) in understanding the importance of the availability of conditions of revelation, and therefore, comes the importance of this academic article. The researcher had adopted the analytical and descriptive methods in this research.

The research aims at; 1. Knowing the considers the reasons of revelation of the Holy Qura’n and the frequency of Hadith and their importance in the diligence (Ijtihad) and revival, or the jurisprudence of revelation; 2. Knowing the extent of danger of giving wrong judgment on the Qura’n by generalizing the situational revelation without looking at the reasons and conditions of each case of the revelation; 3. Knowing the extent of danger of judging the peace (Al-silm) and call (Al-da’wah) situations in place of war (Al-harb) situations; 4. Knowing extent to which the Islamic (Ummah) throughout its long history exposed to many conditions of; progress and down-fall, win-war and defeat, and strength and weakness. For  each of these conditions, its own jurisprudence-judgments.

The researcher had found the following findings, which are the main principles of situational jurisprudence: 1. the freedom of faith is one of the principles of the Islamic Religion; 2. the frequency of Hadith is a special reason for specific conditions, therefore cannot be generalized; 3. no abrogation is be made without strong evidence; 4. no another meaning is to be considered in the presence of a correct evidence on the issue; 5. there is a danger on using the Hadith without understanding; 6. the Hadith is not a source for confirming judgments only, but a source for interpreting what is generalized by the Holy Qura’n; 7. the evidences from Islamic jurisprudence which confirm that he who God (Allah) wants him to be fortunate, he should seek from Allah to make him a knowledgeable in understanding of Islamic Religion.
