دور التعليم الإسلامي في فهم الدعوة الإسلامية: دراسة وضعية المدارس الدينية في ولاية جالا


  • عرفان محمد حاج لافيه
  • عبدالله كارينا


This research aims to study the understanding of Islamic dawah of Islamic private school in Yala province.  The methods are document and survey research. In the case of survey research the sample is 338 populations they are 16 headmasters and deputy headmasters, 20 Islamic teachers and the remains are students. Data collections are done through interview and observation in instruction and dawah activities.

Research results show that 1. Instruction of Islamic jurisprudence and fundamental principles abide by Imam Shafi’il concept. But there are some instructors introduce the concept of the other Imams of Ahli sunnah waljamaah in order to open out in religion study.2. The most responsibility is to give an importance to any levels of the study to make a comprehension in Islamic dawah to Muslim nation together with leading them and moving ahead towards Islamic end with righteous actions.3. The sample understands correctly to inclusively objective of Islamic dawah that is a long way to go until they can live to the Islamic teaching.4.Islamic private school gives priority to the Muslim dress that they stand for religion piously; bearing that makes them moral and ethical personality.5. Islamic private school should have right documents for dawah.6. Islamic private school should make an understanding in Islamic dawah correctly and also give general knowledge to students.7.the accurate Islamic dawah is that there is correct standpoint in thinking and acting or in theory and practice which is far away from evil because Islam calls to good deeds and the unity in worship Allah (saw) for the mercy of this world and afterlife.
