Study of Misconceptions in Classroom Research on Teaching Professional Training Teachers in Faculty of Education at Songkha Rajabhat University


  • ปรีดา เบ็ญคาร มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสงขลา


Misconceptions, Classroom Research


The purpose of this study was to 1) Compare conceptual researching in classrooms in terms of believing in classroom research, and knowledge & understanding of classroom research among students with different courses of study. 2) Study of misconceptions in classroom research of students. 3) Study the problem solving of misconceptions in classroom research of students. The sample group used to study the misconceptions was teaching professional training teachers in the Faculty of Education, studying in the 2nd semester of academic year 2017 as the amount of 258 students - 138 students from the Bachelor of Education Program, and 120 students from the Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession - which taken by stratified random sampling. The sample used to study the problem solving of misconceptions was 6 lecturers in the Faculty of Education consisting of 4 lecturers in researching course and 2 professors in learning management which taken by purposive sampling. The researching tool was conceptual measurement form in classroom research which divided the content into two parts - believing in classroom research, and knowledge & understanding of classroom research. The content validity ranged from .60 -1.00 with reliability values of .88 and .84, respectively. The discrimination value ranged from .20-.63 and the difficulty value was .20-.77. Each measurement form was divided into 4 topics; statement of research problems, research design, research methodology and reflective thinking from the study. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and testing the difference by t-test and One-way MANOVA. The results are as follows:


1 Students in different courses of study had significantly different believing and knowledge & understanding of classroom research at the level of 0.05.

  1. Students with misconceptions about classroom research in terms of believing in classroom research as a whole had some parts of misconception. The most misconception topics were about research design. As for knowledge & understanding of classroom research, in general, students had some misconceptions. The most misconception topics were about research design.
  2. The problem-solving concepts of misconceptions in classroom research of teaching professional training teachers were 1) Students should study sample cases in the correct format by exchanging with each other. 2) Students should practice the classroom research from the real situation. 3) Senior students with successful classroom research performance should build up inspiration. 4) During the teaching sessions in the institution, the students should be understood the correctly classroom research design from the supervisory teachers and instructors. Provide correctly classroom research guidelines for supervisory teachers. Set up seminar during the teaching session and after the completion of classroom research practice. Provide checklists of correctly classroom research design and methodology for the students to periodically check their classroom research. In addition, increase online PLC between students and supervisory teachers every once a month or 2 months.


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