ความสัมพันธ์และความแตกต่างระหว่างอะฮฺลิซ-ซุนนะฮฺและชีอะห์ : ศึกษาประวัติศาสตร์และมุมมองนักวิชาการซุนนีย์และชีอะห์ในโลกปัจจุบัน


  • อับดุลลาตีฟ การี, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • อับดุลฮาลิม ไซซิง, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


The difference, Ahlis- Sunnah, Shiah


This research aims to study the history, genres and beliefs of the Sunnah and Shia groups in the word to day world today. This studies by compare the similarities and differences between Sunnah and Shia and   studies also by the opinions of Sunni and Shiah scholars in the modern world on the difference between Ahlul-Sunnah and Shia. This study is a historical document. The primary and secondary data are then collected by field interviews. And non-participant observation .The sample was interviewed by Sunni and Shia scholars from 4 countries, including Thailand, Indonesia, Kuwait and Qatar, as well as 26 persons. The data were then analyzed by comparison of events and interpretations.

             The result of the study is that the al-Sunnah Wal-jamaah is the most Muslims take the path of the Prophet and The Sohabah (disciples) and The Tabein (followers) alike were divided into 3 major categories: 1) The group focus of Faith principle (al-Qaeda) 2) Groups focused on principles of Islamic low 3) And the group emphasized the principle of Hadith report. The Shiah are the supporters and believe that Ali bin Abi toleb and his descendants have the right to be Muslim leaders. This belief comes from the time of the Prophet (S), but the concrete of Shiah, with specific ideas and practices, came into being after Husin ban Ali was killed. There were 73 subgroups of the 5 major groups: 1) al-Gaisaniyah 2) al-syidiyah 3) al-imamiyah 4) al-qaliyah 5)al-ismailiyah .

          The difference between Ahlli-Sunnah and Shiah is that the principle of the faith of Ahlli-Sunnah called the "Rukon eman" has six parts. And the Shia called the “Usolludin” are 5 reasons for this.

          The main difference in faith is the "highest leader" (al-iMamah). Other faiths differ in their names and finer points. There are 5 aspects of Islamic-Sunnah that are called " rokon islam - Islamic holes". And the shiah called “furu ud din” There are 10 reasons to use. The same practice is : 1) the prayer 2) the  Zakat 3) the Hajj, which is 3 different only the minutiae. And The difference in practice is that the vow is not considered as the practice of Islam or rokun Islam, but the shiah think it is a " Dharu riyat "  that is necessary to know each other. And the word of praise to Ali bin abi Tholeb is not a vow, it is just an added word that is allowed. In addition, the practice of Shiah has been defined. Al-Qums (donate to the supreme leader), Al-Jihad (fight in the way of Allah), Al-Amru bil ma’ruf  (to do good deeds), al-nah yu aniImunkar (do not do evil),al-tawal la (Love and obedience to the leader.), al-tabarra’ (Do not obey the imam.)


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