
  • ปิยภา แดงเดช, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


Export Innovation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Environment Turbulent, Export Performance


The objectives of this research were to (1) study factors of export innovation on export performance of Thailand’s Small and Middle-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) (2) to examine factors on export innovation of Thailand’s SMEs entrepreneurs (3) to build up models of SMEs entrepreneurs’ export innovation. The research was a mix methods research in form of an explanatory research. Concepts and theories were reviewed to define conceptual framework and create questionnaires as a research instrument for data collection. Date was collected from Five hundred persons of sampling group including SMEs export entrepreneurs and members of Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Commerce, based on Thailand’s Exporters Directory. Five variables, including Export Innovation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Orientation, Environment Turbulent and Export Performance were studied. Five variants included Marketing Orientation, Environment Turbulent and Export Performance. Research instruments were questionnaire and data analysis by AMOS program as statistical technique of Structural Modeling: SEM. Findings from quantitative research were summarized as statistical model and in-depth interview to affirm the findings.

According to the findings, Entrepreneurial Orientation gave direct impact on Export Innovation and Export Performance. Marketing Orientation had a direct influence in Export Innovation and Export Performance. Environment Turbulent dominated over Export Innovation, Marketing Orientation and Export Performance. Export Innovation gave direct impact on Export Performance which was an influence with positive meaning. 


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