Strategices Management of Used Car Tent Business in Yala Province


  • อุสมาน กะลูแป, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • นิรันดิ์เกียรติ ลิ่วคุณูปการ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


strategy management, second hand cars, external environment


The aims of this study were to (1) build Business Model Canvas of Strategic management of used car tent business in Yala Province, (2) analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles that affected the strategic management of the business, and (3) find a strategic management approach for used car tents business in Yala province for entrepreneurs, consumers, and related people.

          The research results:

  1. The finding of building Business Model Canvas of the used car tent business in Yala Province showed that 1) the customer segment of the used car business was from Yala and some neighbor provinces whose career as a government officer, stateemployees, and personal business aged 30 years and over. 2) For the value propositions, the study indicated that the cars were in good conditions; no scratch appeared, the entrepreneurs provided straightforward information as well as impressive service convenience. 3) Channels to access customers were to tell mouth-to-mouth, social media, car sale broker networks, radio advertising, billboards, leaflets, and flyers. 4) Customer Relationships includedproviding promotions, providing standardized and professional service, and providing financial advisory and call center transfer services. 5)Revenue streams obtained from selling used cars of every brand, and registration of the Motor Insurance Act. 6) Key resources included buildings, capital resources, and sales staff. 7) Key activities were providing comprehensive service, having proper after-sales service, and organizing activity in every of the province's events. 8) The Key Partners included insurance and financial companies, and 9) Cost structure was including the salary for the salesmen as well as the bonus, the fees for rental, utility, and maintenance. This also included the costs of fuel and other miscellaneous.
  2. The results regarding the analysis of the business strengths showed that the used car tent business in Yala Provincehad direct and indirect affiliate networks such as finance, garage, and others with m-pay and full financing services. The experienced and skillful staffs could raise the business to number 1 sales. The clientswere able to get access to business informationvia many channels. They were social media networks, sales brokers, and radio advertising.The business locations were near the commercial areas which convenient for customers in transportation. The entrepreneurs always provided new promotionsto their customers causing liquidity of the business.
  3. The findings on the weaknesses of the business revealed that the work of the broker networks did not cover all areas, and they lacked experience. Due to having an important part in car sales, the brokers’ strength would help the business grew faster. Next, the opening of a used car tent business required a long time to be known for consumers. In addition, locating far from the central regions,the big sources of the used cars, brought to spending high cost in moving the cars to the business areas.
  4. The opportunity to used car tent business in Yala Province, the study found that most target customers were Muslims whose work as government officials since there are a large number of Muslim populations in the three southern border provinces. Besides, there were officers from the finance company providing services at the car tent everydayentailing conveniently to the customers for some advice. The finding also indicated that the used car tent business provided the customers some free of charge services like loan request and financing for the quickness of loan applying and car ownership transfer. They also offered the customers free

tax and free Vehicle Act services. The locations of the car tents were also included in the opportunity since most of the used car tent business located in the commercial areas where the entrepreneurs could meet a variety of their customers.

  1. The findings to the obstacles of the businesses showed that the economic downturn reduced purchasing power, especially from the low rubber price. Economic growth has dramatically decreased, trade conditions started to decline, and products have been sold less causing many entrepreneurs reducing their products due to loss. This brought to the termination of labor and reducing resources and production factors. In addition, consumer credit caused the product did not meet the conditions of the finance company leading to the inability to buy a car from a tent, and there were new competitors operated that kind of business.
  2. The study on the TOWS Matrix regarding the used car tent business presented its strategies as follow; SO strategies which were expanding the market to Muslims and government officials, and supporting new customers via various channels. WO strategies were increasing broker networks, finding a suitable location, and convenient traffic to increase sales opportunities. ST strategies were increasing car and service qualities as well as a marketing strategy. WT strategy included building a good relationship with the brokers.
  3. The research revealed strategic management approaches to the business which were consist of an organizational strategy, using Proactive strategy to increase the broker networks, and Business strategy, using strategies to increase car and service quality, and strategies to build good relationships with brokers.


Keywords: strategy management, second hand cars, external environment


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