The analytical development of Halal regulation in Thailand1


  • หมัดอูเส็น หมัดหมัน มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • มะรอนิง สาแลมิง มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


Analysis, Development, Laws of Halal in Thailand


The analytical development of regulation about Halal in Thailand aims to study the Islamic laws in Thailand in terms of historical and developmental of regulation that mentioned above. This is a qualitative study that went through several ways such as academic books, papers, magazines, seminars and other ways which related to the regulations about Halal in Thailand. This study has been done by collecting and critical analyzing with both inductive and deductive. The result of this study found that the Halal system has been approved since 2492 B.E. by Mr. Tuwan Suwansart as a Shaykh ul Islam in Thailand and gradually developed until 2538 B.E. In the year 2540 B.E. there was a legislation of an Islamic organization with the section (18). This legislation provided the legislative power of an Islamic committees center in Thailand with the section (9) mentioned that the Islamic committees center has right to announce and recommend about the Islamic activities. In addition the section of (26) has stated the right and power of the provincial Islamic committees of Thailand. In the section (13) has stated the right to announce and recommend about an Islamic activities in the provinces. The sentence of an Islamic activities according to this legislation included Halal activities too. Then the Islamic committees center of Thailand has legislated many rules and announced to be a regulations to practice of Halal activities in Thailand.


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