The study of Shafi'i School of Thought to Middle Path in Ijtihad


  • มิตร ดาราฉาย มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • มะรอนิง สาแลมิง มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


Keywords : Imam Shafi’i Moderate Practice


The objective of this article is to study the background and the way of figuring the Imam Ashshafi’i. Using qualitative research methods in the form of document research from research textbooks, theses, articles and related documents. Coupled with a descriptive narrative on the approach of the figah of the Mashab Shafi’i.

The findings are, Imam Shafi’i started to studted from Al-Quran, poetries, and local literatures, then he studied Fiqh and judgment as Alul – Naql or ahlul –Hadith approach with Imam malik around 16 years. Then he studies Fiqh and judgment as Ahlul-Aql or Ahlul-Ra’ju with Imam Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan Al-Shaybani, Imam abu Hanifah’s student. Further he combined special advantage form both approach to be his approach, which is moderate practice. Therefore, his approach is distinguished and acceptable until present time.

Keywords : Imam Shafi’i Moderate Practice


Abdul Ghaniy al-Daqr.2014.Muhammad bin Idris al-Shfíy.Dar al-Qalam.Damizq.
Abdul Ghaniy al-Daqr.1987. al-Imam al-Shfíy Faqiyh al-Sunnah .Dar al-Qalam.Damizq.
al-Baihakiy Ahmad bin al-Husain.n.d. Manaqif al-Imam Shafiáy.Dar


