The tourists's behavior and needs to traveling in the context Yala.


  • มูฮำหมัดอาดีส เหล็กดี สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์


บริบทพื้นที่ขัดแย้ง, พฤติกรรมนักท่องเที่ยว


The objective of this research was to study the Tourist’s Behavior and Needs who traveling to conflicting contexts area under the unrest in the area of ​​Yala Province. The research sample population is Thai tourists and Foreign tourists traveling and who have experienced traveling or an overnight stay in Yala at least one night. The researcher has determined the sample population size at 400 people and determined the quantitative research methodology. (Quantitative Research) by using questionnaires as a research tool. And determining the use of descriptive statistics (Descriptive) to analyze the data for research.

The research study found that Most of the tourists have traveled to Yala 2 times, Self-traveling (independent), Traveling by car, Make Decided to travel to Yala Province due to Social Media, Less than 7 days to plan a trip.

Most of the tourists have spent a period of traveling in Yala Province for 3 days and 2 nights in Hotels / Resorts or Hostel, Interested in hot spring attractions another attractions and Tells the experience or the solicitation way communication through social media.


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