The roles of modern technology in facilitating the differentiation of similarities of the Quran - Analyze the data of similar verses in the Quran Al-mathani

The roles of modern technology in facilitating the differentiation of similarities of the Quran - Analyze the data of similar verses in the Quran Al-mathani


  • มะห์ดี อาดำ คณะวิทยาการอิสลาม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


دور المعينات التقنية، تسهيل ضبط متشابهات القرآن، تحليل بيانات الآيات المتشابهات لمصحف المثاني الإلكتروني


The article aims to study similar verses in the Quran by providing statistics data. The study is to answer three main questions. What is the most frequently verbal similarity in the Quran? The second question, on which page of the Quran the most similarities occur? The third question, in which surah includes the most verbal similarities in Quran. The data of the study collected from the book “ Mushaf Al-Tybyan of the similarities of the Qur’an” prepared by Yasser Muhammad Bayoumi and amounted to 1931 points of similarity. The data fed into a relational database according to specific rules set by the researcher. A special query function is used to obtain the results. The results of the study are presented in a special table order by number of occurrences and focus on the tops ten results. The study contributes to helping the students and teachers to understand the overall picture of similar verses in the Quran. This helps them master memorizing the Quran. The study also recommended utilizing the study data and deriving other results based on the current database, such as the classification of verbal similarities in the Quran and its occurrences.


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