Results of Learning Management by Using Brain-based Learning on Analytical Thinking Skill of al-Akhlak Subject for Primary School Students, Year 2


  • สุไบด๊ะ สะละ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • มูหำมัดสุใหมี เฮงยามา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


Management by Using Brain-based Learning, al-Akhlak Subject


The purposes of this research were : 1) To develop and investigate efficiency of the lesson plan by brain-based learning on critical thinking skills of al-Akhlak. 2) Evaluate critical thinking skills of the second grade students by study with the brain-based learning management plan. 3)  To compare the results of learning achievement by using brain-based learning on critical thinking skills between. 4) To study the satisfaction of learners with brain-based learning. The sample used in the research consisted of Primary School Students, Year 2 at Alawiahwitya School, Bannangsta District, Yala Province, by amount 30 people Using a specific. The research instruments consisted 4 types are a brain-based learning management plan, a evaluation form of critical thinking skills, a achievement test and avaluation form of satisfaction. The statistics of analysis were the statistics on quality inspection of tools. The results of the research were as follows : 1. The effectiveness of lesson plans by using brain-based learning was 81.33 / 82.75, greater than 80/80 criteria preset. 2. Critical thinking skills of primary school students, Year 2 who studied by brain-based learning were good level. ( = 8.60, S.D. = 1.07) 3. The learning achievement resulf of the students after the brain-based learning was higher  than before learning  at the statistical significant at  .05 level. 4. The satisfaction of the students to the brain-based learning was much ( = 4.40, S.D. = 0.09) and  higher than standard at the statistical significant at .01 level.


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