

  • Rutchanee Suyu มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


การพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์,, เครื่องแกงสำเร็จรูป, ฮาลาล, ปัตตานี


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the feasibility of the form of halal curry paste Pattani, 2) to study the feasibility of the marketing and export channels of Pattani halal paste and 3) to Study business plan model by using Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a guideline for developing halal curry paste Pattani to Malaysia market. The research model was qualitative research. The research was conducted using Focus Group and In-depth Interview is a community enterprise, curry paste Muang Tia Subdistrict, Mae Lan District, Pattani Province with a sample group from the area of 5 people. The Data collection consists of 2 parts: 1. Basic information of the curry paste community enterprise group. Production and export 2. Guidelines and product development guideline of the curry paste community enterprise. The research results according to the first objective, showed that agricultural products were oversupply. The community enterprise group therefore, transformed it into curry products. 2. The packaging is not attractive to consumers. 3. The products are short-lived 4. The houses are not standardized 5. The community enterprise group does not have a shop so they sell at the flea market and receive according to orders 6. The community enterprise group lacks knowledge, systematic management and marketing, and 7. The enterprise group has no capital to build on. The research results according to the second objective, it was found that the distribution channels are divided into 2 channels: Online and Offline channels, which the product exports must have clear FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Halal standards, label, production date, expiration date, details. Components must be clear. The research results according to the third objective, it was found that from the analysis of the internal and external environment. Strategic tools such as SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix were analyzed by using Business Model Canvas (BMC) in 9 conceptual frameworks.



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