การพัฒนาสื่ออินโฟกราฟิก เพื่อสร้างการรับรู้และจดจำสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาตอนปลาย จังหวัดยะลา


  • Ancharika Janjula Faculty of Education ,Yala Rajabhat University


Infographic media, Awareness and Remember, Primary school


The purposes of this research were 1) Development of infographic media to create awareness and remember based on the efficiency 80/80 criteria. 2) Compare the pretest and posttest scores on infographic media. 3) Study satisfaction of students with learning through on infographic media. Thirty samples used  in achievement and satisfaction  Prathomsuksa 6 students at The subjects were 30 Prathom Suksa 6 students at Ban Nibong Phatthana School, Muang District, Yala Province. province  on the second  semester in the 2020 academic year were through Stratified Sampling. The instruments of experience research were infographic media on English Vocabulary for Prathomsuksa 6 students’s effect use achievement test and Satisfaction Questionnaire who infographic media. The statistics that used in data analysis were, percentage, the average, and t-test (Dependent). The results of this research were as follows  :

1) The efficient of infographic media on Health and Welfare 82.88/83.22 

2) The learning achievement for building awareness and recognition of the sample after learning with English infographics on Signs and Notices was significantly higher than before at the .01 level.        

3) Students were very satisfied with learning through the developed infographic media in the highest level ( = 4.88)


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