

  • Pornpen Chawalitthada -


Communication Patterns, Facebook, Shopping, Elderly


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current patterns of purchasing products via Facebook for the elderly in Bangkok; 2) to study the communication factors affecting the purchase of products via Facebook for the elderly. Moreover, 3) finding ways to create an effective communication model for purchasing products via Facebook for the elderly in Bangkok. This research uses a qualitative method consisting of documentary research to study the purchasing products with Facebook of the elderly communication on Facebook, in-depth interviews to the target audience is five older adults in Bangkok and two entrepreneurs selling Facebook products, and focus group discussions with a group of 10 older people in Bangkok.

           The research results were as follows: 1) The communication model for purchasing products via Facebook for the elderly in Bangkok found that the elderly used Facebook for knowledge seeking. Entertain It is a channel for purchasing various goods and services. The average frequency of exposure to product information is 4 hours per day. How to buy products for the elderly can be summarized as follows: Choose to search for desired products with words or phrases that the elderly want on Facebook (Search by Keyword) from recommendations from family members, close persons, product owners to engage with the elderly by expressing their opinions on issues. Various forms of product information to the elderly can be summarized as follows: Still images, VDO clips, Live videos, Facebook page TIKTOK, infographics. Pictures of actual users to describe product details. Pictograms 2) communication factors affecting the purchase of products via Facebook for the elderly found that in the view of entrepreneurs, Products publicity should occur regularly. To increase the channel for customers to know more quickly. The result is close communication and repeated buying behavior of customers. Consistent with the opinions of elderly shoppers to build trust with the product and the entrepreneur. In addition, the product buyer also commented that Entrepreneurs should present content. Precise product details the picture must match the actual product. Content should emphasize the importance and be easy to read. Credible Facebook page design Includes clear, direct, and direct communication, which is essential when purchasing products via Facebook. 3) Problems of the current situation and communication patterns for purchasing products via Facebook among the elderly. It can be summarized as follows: Presenting too much content Product owners do not maintain their image. Use fuzzy, unclear language—lack of regular news publicity on Facebook media. There is a delay in communication with customers. Problems in Facebook page design of products that are difficult to read. 4) Effective communication guidelines for purchasing products using Facebook among the elderly. It can be summarized as follows: Content should adjust in headlines, splashers, and content for accessible communication. It should offer a variety of content. Facebook page design should use color schemes to help organize content for readability. Should use language that is easy to understand, not complicated, should have a sequence of steps to answer customers to manage the communication between the store and the customer. Product owners should have more than one channel to communicate with their customers.


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