การจัดกิจกรรมพลศึกษาของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาปัตตานี เขต 2


  • mahama madiyoh -


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 2) to compare the physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 according to variables, gender, age, work experience and the size of the school 3) to compile problems and recommendations for the physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample group in the study consisted of 94 school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 during the academic year 2021. The instrument used in independent research was a questionnaire. The data analysis used the packaged software. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, value test (t-test), and value test (F-test).
The research findings are as follows: 1. The physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was overall at a high level (= 4.14). When considering each aspect, it was found that every aspect had a high level of physical activity management. The aspect with the highest mean was in school sports competitions (= 4.36), followed by outside school sports competitions (=4.18), and recreational activities (= 4.18) and the aspect with the lowest mean was the organization of physical RESEARCH education (= 3.88). 2. The comparison of the physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, according to gender variables, overall and each aspect were not different. According to age variables, it was found that the overall and each aspect were not different. According to work experience variables, it was revealed that the overview was not different. When considering each aspect, it was found that the organization of sports competitions within the school was at the statistical significance level of 0.05. And according to the size variables of the schools, it was found that the overall statistical difference was at the 0.05 level in every aspect. Except for the management of sports competitions between schools, there was no difference. 3. In the guidelines to develop the physical activity management of school administrators under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, in the field of physical education teaching and learning in schools, it was found that administrators should directly recruit teachers with qualifications in physical education. Regarding the management of sports competitions within the schools, it was discovered that the administrators should encourage the organization of internal sports competitions every year to create unity. Regarding the management of sports competitions outside the schools, it was found that the administrators should support the budget for sports competitions between schools. Regarding the organization of physical education, it was discovered that administrators should recruit specialists in specific fields. As for recreational activities, it was found that administrators should promote a variety of activities that are entertaining, fun and integrating with other subjects and should organize activities according to the community context.


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