วิถีการดา เนินชีวิตตามหลักปรัชญาเศรษฐกิจพอเพียงของผู้สูงอายุในชุมชนนาทับ อำเภอจะนะ จังหวัดสงขลา


  • nungrudee kosee -


Way Of Life, The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Elderly


This research was aimed to study way of life according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the elderly in Natub community, Chana district, Songkhla province. Data were collected by using formal interview. The main informants consisted of 14 people who were community representatives and were purposely selected. They were community leaders, elderly or village health volunteers (VHV). The data which were recorded from the interview were arranged, analyzed and summarized. The research results revealed as follows: 1. On modesty. There was income planning, spending, and saving. Family spending was in a modest portion of the income and portion for saving. On consumer product purchasing decision, it was concentrated on quality with not very high prices and wisely used. 2. On reasoning. In decision making on spending, debt payment was primarily concentrated. Long term investments were on seeds and fruit trees which could give products in a long period. In making friends, they made friends with those who were sincere and should help each others. 3. On self-immunity. There was career planning, children’s future planning, as well as financial planning. Religious principles were followed in their way of lives as well as in future practice. They were honest, conscientious and live under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.


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