The Role of Mosque in value Chain of Economic Empowerment of Ummah


  • Dr. Narong Hassanee Fatoni University-


Empowerment, Economic of ummah, Mosque


This research aims to determine the extent of the role of the mosque in value chain of economic empowerment of ummah. The urgency of this research is due to its novelty, namely the scarcity of empirical studies on the role of mosques in the value chain of community development, especially in empowering the economy of ummah. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews with the management of mosque cooperative, DKM, and its members (jemaah). Samples of this research are 4 mosque cooperatives in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. In addition to primary data, this study also uses secondary data from reference sources that are relevant and related to this research. The analytical approach used in this study is value chain model. The results of this research show that the mosque has a strategic role in the economic empowerment of ummah through its economic activity units, namely mosque cooperatives which have been proven to contribute significantly to realizing the economic revival of ummah. The success of mosque-based economic empowerment is supported by the management conducted by people who have managerial and entrepreneurial abilities. Furthermore, the existence of infrastructure facilities and the use of technology are also crucial aspects in the value chain of mosque-based economic empowerment to realize the economic revival of ummah.


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