

  • Rutchanee Suyu -


Marketing Management, Agricultural Products, Curry Paste, Halaalan Thoyyiba, Community Enterprise


This research aims to (1) To assess the potential of market opportunities and find suitable marketing networks (2) To analyze marketing strategies of curry paste products of community enterprises in Pattani Province (3) To find the ways to develop entrepreneurial potential and marketing both online and offline for community enterprises in the area of Pattani Province to meet market needs (4) To manage market network linkage to community enterprise groups in Pattani Province and expand opportunities to market at all levels. Qualitative data were collected using a semi-structured in-depth interview observation method and group discussion. Analyzing content by using 5 enterprise groups, namely, BanChang Sufficiency Curry Group Community Enterprise, BanThaDan Curry Community Enterprise, Herbal Curry Community Enterprise Cares about Quality, Nipiskule Community Enterprise, and community enterprises of the Sarong Agricultural Innovation Group as a case study.
The results showed that (1) Market networks can be categorized into four groups: local market, general market, export market (frontier market), and online market. (2) Data analysis by SWOT Analysis revealed that the group members lack knowledge of marketing, online communication, diverse distribution channels, Facebook page is not active, the product is not yet known, lack of a new generation of youth to continue - do online marketing and reach the new RESEARCH generation market. STP strategy, the results of the study revealed that there are two strengths: Cultural characteristics of the group of enterprises and the benefits of the product. It was found that villagers in each enterprise group in a multicultural society - There are different traditions, cultures, religions, languages but the group members can live together. The target of customers will be international markets, domestic markets, and online markets. Strategy (Marketing Mix: 4Ps) can be divided into 4 groups of consumers: 1. International market consumers 2. Local market consumer groups 3. General market segments 4. Consumers in the online market, each consumer group uses a different 4Ps strategy. (3) Guidelines for developing entrepreneurial potential by organized training activities and found that some groups of enterprises are ready to attend the training and learn marketing channels to develop and expand. Some groups want to learn and train but there are obstacles such as there are no youngsters or assistants to market online. The research team used the data to analyze and the group can make a marketing plan. (4) The results of an appropriate study on the management of market network linkage to community enterprise groups in Pattani Province are: Online market by opening a page (Facebook) to present curry products. and connected with F & Q Co., Ltd. and a general market in Pattani Province that is interested in bringing curry paste to sell.


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