
  • Musakkid Himphinit -


Administration, Education, Principles, Theory, Organization


One of the major ways of achieving goal in educational settings is linking the theories and principles of administration in leading aspect of institutional administration. Principles of administration have been widely discussed in the literatures which involves leading the workforce through organizational goal achievement. Despites, study aims to exploring the extent of principles and theories of administration being put into practice in educational institution in Nigeria based on Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of administration with assessments of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs; Douglas McGregor theory X and Y; and Frederick Herzberg theory of Motivation for elucidation of the theoretical concept in higher education institutions (HEI) in Nigeria. Quantitative method was employed among 360 academic and non-academic staffs in higher education institutions (HEI). The study analyses its result through correlation, descriptive analysis through: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation to determine the extent of practices in educational settings. Finding showed a significant relationship (r=.6) between principles and theories of administration while, the principles and theories adequately putting into practice for goals achievement. Finally, remuneration of staff is most advisable as the situating theories and principles in administration would assist the incoming administrators and increases prospective of existing academic and non-academic administrators in HEI.


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