Market Opportunity and Potential of Halal Instant Food Products in Pattani Province
Opportunity, Potential, Halal instant foodAbstract
This study has the following objectives: 1) To study the demand for halal ready-to-eat (RTE) food products in Pattani Province, Thailand. 2)To analyze the market opportunities and potential for halal RTE food products in Pattani Province.3) To identify developing and expanding the market for halal RTE food products in Pattani Province. mixed methods approach both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A survey was conducted with 400 consumers of halal RTE food products in Pattani Province. The Qualitative data: In-depth interviews were conducted with 6 halal RTE food producers in Pattani Province.
Consumers in Pattani Province are predominantly female, aged 31-40 years, hold a bachelor's degree, and work as housewives. Their average monthly income is between 10,001 and 15,000 Thai baht. They prefer to purchase chilled halal RTE food products, such as ready-made beef and goat curries. Consumers prioritize halal certification, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, fair pricing, widespread availability, and special promotions during holidays. Halal RTE food producers in Pattani Province should adapt their products to meet consumer demands for convenience, quick preparation, and ease of consumption (Ready to eat). Extend product shelf life and develop packaging that communicates in multiple languages to expand market opportunities for both domestic and international restaurant businesses. Capitalize on the growing trend of new consumer groups seeking to experiment with Arabic cuisine. Leverage the expanding online market for ready-to-eat food. Focus on penetrating new markets and expanding customer bases. Participate in product exhibitions to increase brand awareness. Utilize both online and offline distribution channels to reach a wider audience. The halal RTE food market in Pattani Province holds significant potential for growth. By understanding consumer preferences and responding to market trends, halal RTE food producers can effectively develop and expand their businesses in this region.
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